Monday, April 24, 2023

My Menu Plan for April 24-April 30, 2023 and Some Garden Plans

 This week I plant to roast veggies like sweet potatoes (which I almost always buy at Aldi because they are good but also at a good price), white potatoes, broccoli, carrots, and onions. With olive oil or avocado oil drizzled on them and some salt and pepper sprinkled on, they can't be beat.

Another great use for sweet potatoes is in making pancakes. I make mine gluten free with oat flour, but you can put them in regular pancakes as well. My pancakes don't usually look beautiful as my husband's does, but they do taste terrific. 

I am a firm believer in planning. This year I started a garden plan using GrowVeg's planner. I can already see that it is going to be a real game changer for me. I have planned out my large in ground garden as well as the small raised bed herb garden out front. And then there is the plan for the greenhouse because, you know, I have to grow most of my tomatoes undercover if I intend to have any ripen before frost.

What I especially love about this planning software, however, is that I can keep a diary of everything I am doing pertaining to growing food and flowers. And, actually, the flowers are more often than not food too. The importance of maintaining a diary, or journal as the site calls it, is to have something to look back on in future gardening seasons that will tell me if a particular plant or variety did not do so well and possibly why. I have always wanted to be so organized, but life gets in the way and the 24 hours a day we get doesn't stretch out as long as it did when I was a kid.

Last year, I dehydrated more foods than I usually do. They have been great and I plan to increase that substantially. If the electricity goes out, no worries about food because I have a backup plan. Also, I will continue to can as much of my produce (and the chicken we raise) that I am able to. And, of course, freezing is still something we widely do.

I have made up a menu plan for this week, which is something I had let go of for a while. I need to get back on track so that was a priority for me. God willing, I will continue to do this again. And if you read this blog with any regularity, please know that another plan of mine is to start up the Saturday Scripture Speaks posts again. Many people had asked about it and told me that they enjoyed reading my thoughts on Bible passages. I don't claim to know anything about anything, but one thing I do know is that I love the Lord and He loves me. My life is committed to the spreading of the good news that Jesus is alive and that He saves.

Here is my menu plan for this week:


Beef Noodle Casserole in the slow cooker


Roasted Veggies with Left Overs


Lasagna, Green Beans, Salads






Meat Loaf, Mashed Potatoes, Cauliflower


On Your Own

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