Have you ever wanted to spruce up your blog post with great photos pertinent to the subject of which you're writing, but don't have them on your own camera? Ever wonder where people get those great photos? An awful lot of bloggers buy subscriptions for stock photos from places such as
When you need a picture to use on the web (or elsewhere), you can't just copy them from anywhere, for free or otherwise, without having permission - unless the photos are in the public domain (copyright ran out). The same rules hold true for words and video if they aren't original with you. You can find great images and videos to use, royalty free, at
Fotolia.com. I found the following two images by doing a quick search using the word, "Christian".
You can sell your photos too. Just a thought.
vanda - Fotolia.com
Fotolia is supplying a 14-day subscription (3 images per day) to their site to TWO of Following 31's readers. It's a great way for you to try it out before you decide to buy.
If you'd like to be entered into the giveaway, please leave a comment below. Any comment will do. Giveaway ends June 11, 2011 at 11:59 p.m. (est) Winners chosen via Random.org.
*I received an incentive from Fotolia.com in exchange for this review. Opinions expressed are my own.*
1 comment:
Okay, I don't see any other comments so I will be the first one. Maybe..... it looks as if I have a good chance of my name being drawn so far. I am not sure how to use this but, determined as I am I would try. Sounds neat! Thanks!
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