We're planning to visit our extended family in the next state south next week. While we're excited about having another graduation party for Jonathon and having the chance to visit loved ones, we're a bit nervous too. Our old van is the same age as this son who just graduated but it's not a healthy youthful teenager. It's falling apart and it's no longer very reliable. There's a leak in the gas tank that we keep patching. The engine light stays on and nobody knows why. The brakes have gone out on us three times since we bought it four years ago. Now it has some rattles and other noises that cause us to question whether the U joints are bad.
We will not be able to buy another car for at least another year, even with that "Cash for Clunkers" program the government has put into effect. Even if we we could buy something else, it wouldn't be with that program - we don't agree that it's a good thing for a number of reasons that I won't detail for you now.
How old is the car you're driving now?
Like 3 years I think. It's paid for and it gets me around which is all that matters to me.
Happy Friday!
Well, my car is 2 years old now...you won't believe this, but I won it! I was the grand prize winner. Prior to this car, my "old" car was 6 years old.
I hope you have a safe trip!
Thanks for stopping by my blog for Aloha Friday...
My car is now 7 years old (wow time flies). Have a wonderful trip!
It's just over 1 year old however I would like to see it and pay cash for a different one. I'm SO tired of payments of any kind.
20 years old!
My car is 6 years old and still going strong! It's a little Honda Civic and though we have out grown it, I have no money to buy another and it's paid off too.
I'm driving a '96 Honda. It's not too pretty anymore but has given me very little trouble. Has about 130,000 miles.
It is four years old.
Four and right after the warranty was up it started having issues. Lovely.
My car is 9 years old. It's a terrible car - I bought it in my last burst of teenage rebellion (which is ridiculous, since I wasn't even a teenager at the time). I loved it at first. Now my husband prays for it to get totaled or stolen so we can get a new(er) one. Even an older one would probably be better!
The one I bought brand new is 12 years old, about 150K miles.
The "newer" van (we got 4 years ago) is 13 years old, just rolled 100K miles. (We got it used, low miles and it was such a blessing!)
Cash for Clunkers doesn't make much sense for us, either. Why would we want to trade in for a brand new car AND a car payment? I haven't done a car payment in 7 years and I'm not about to start now, no matter how "green" the thing is.
I'm praying your trip is wonderful!
Mine is 5 yrs old now & it's pd for. Plus I love my Toyota Sienna!
My car is about 2.5 years old, it's a Toyota Corolla!
I bought my car in 2003 just before my oldest was born - so almost 6 years old now.
Not even a year old right now. I got it in Feb of this year.
11 years and counting.Here's a thought. Find some one who has the money to spend and wants to trade in their perfectly good "Clunker". Then offer to trade even up for theirs they can take advantage of the program and you get a newer car.Just a thought.
2008 model. we lease our cars through my husband's job.
I have a 2000 Toyota 4Runner and it's still going strong!
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