Monday, August 31, 2015

Menu Plan Monday - August 31

I have struggled all of my life with allergies. For years I tried every allergy medication available. Sometimes they helped my symptoms, but other times they did nothing. In the past five years or so, my allergy symptoms have increased to the point that they are plaguing me every day, and every night. I can't sleep. I have ringing in my ears with congestion that affects my hearing at times.

After reading some medical studies that show compelling evidence that antihistimine use actually causes brain tumors in some people, I got proactive in another direction. That direction is natural and homeeopathic. I found this herbal medication that is completely natural and contains *gasp* histimine rather than antihistimine.

Believe it or not, it has been helping my sinus pain, itchy eyes and throat, and congestion. I also bought a bottle of ear oil that contains nothing but mullein oil, calendula oil, lemon oil, vitamin E oil, and grapeseed oil. That is to help with the itchiness deep inside my ear canal. It also helps with the earaches that accompany my allergies.

I know that the natural route doesn't work for everyone, but it is helping me and I wanted to share.

Here's my menu plan for the week:


Italian Marinated Pork Loin
Tossed Salad
Garlic Bread


Beef and Bean Burritos (made with gluten-free tortillas)


Roast Chicken
Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans


Fish Fry (Walleye)
Home Fries
Acorn Squash


Pizza & Pop


Burgers & Hot Dogs 
Potato Salad
Baked Beans


On Your Own

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