Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Book Review - Billy Graham in Quotes by Franklin Graham with Donna Lee Toney

I have to confess that I absolutely LOVE Billy Graham. He is one of the truly great preachers of our time, and this book is living proof of that. The authors of Billy Graham in Quotes (Thomas Nelson) are stated as Franklin Graham and Donna Lee Toney, but the vast majority of it is written by Billy Graham himself - in the quotes they gathered.

Each chapter is a quotation category. I reread the one titled, "Billy Graham on Young People" many times. What he said is so very true, especially that the greatest threat to young people is boredom. I wholeheartedly agree.

Another great chapter of quotes is in, "Billy Graham on Addiction." Here, he talks about drugs and other addictions, but also a lot about alcohol.  He says:

  • Drunkenness. This Greek word means overindulgence in alcohol .... It is a self-inflicted impediment that springs from "a man taking a drink, a drink taking a drink, and a drink taking the man." Distilled liquors as we have them today were unknown in Bible times. (page 5)
My husband I do not drink alcohol at all, but I have friends and family who do. I don't think Mr. Graham is passing judgment on these people, but rather, he warns them against the dangers of this "drug."

Billy Graham in Quotes is a great book to keep on your shelf and to refer whenever you have questions about certain issues. As always, though, Billy Graham, as great as he is, is not the final authority. Test the quotes against the Bible. I have done so with several of these quotes and find I have to agree that those particular quotes are, indeed, Biblical.

I gotta recommend this book - five stars from me!

**I received a copy of Billy Graham in Quotes in exchange for my honest opinion. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.**

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