Monday, February 14, 2011

Menu Plan Monday - February 14

Good Menu Plan Monday to everyone! Valentine's Day is today, February 14, 2011. Over the weekend, my husband and I attended The Art of Marriage conference. I intend to blog a little about this conference and how it impacted me now and how it will impact me in the future and in my marriage. That will be later, however, because this day is all about food....sort of. Since it's Valentine's Day, I think it is more than appropriate to create special meals and desserts just for our spouses. Food is one of many tools that we can use to help us in our relationships. Tonight (Monday), my children will cook an easy meal while my husband and I dine out via a gift card someone graciously gave us. The casserole was made ahead and frozen so they need only reheat in the microwave.


Turkey Noodle Casserole (pre-baked and frozen ahead)
Baked Potatoes
Tossed Salads


Mashed Sweet Potatoes
Brussels Sprouts w/light cheese sauce
Sloppy Joes


Deviled Eggs


Roast Turkey
Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans


Pizza & Pop


Homeschool Medieval Dinner

Course 1:

Cheese Chunks

Course 2:

Meat Loaf made in shape of a soldier
Venison Steak in Gravy (crock-pot)
Green Salad

Course 3:

Please remember that Menu Plan Monday is linked up with Organizing Junkie.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Oh! Thats wonderful you and Jeff was able to dine out. Hope you had a good time.