Saturday, June 26, 2010

Saturday Scripture Speaks - June 26

Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin. James 4:17 (NKJV)

This verse has been on my mind a lot these past few weeks. I don't know if it is because I went through the Miracles seminar with Dr. Bruce Wilkinson this past spring or because of an experience our family had just this week, but it's certainly made an imprint upon my heart.

My son was in need of a simple "miracle" this week, concerning his police academy. We prayed and prayed about the need. It was something that my husband and I could not help him with, though we desperately wished we could.

We "put a bug" in people's ears, hoping one of them would respond to the nudge. Josh got nothing but cold responses from everyone around him, especially family members. Ironic that families treat each other more harshly than they do strangers.....Anyway, at the very last moment a dear friend, completely out of the blue, stepped up to the plate and helped out. The friend's words? "I believe in you Josh. You're going to make a great cop." Police academy begins July 5 and Josh will be there, making us all proud. But he almost missed it due to the lack of encouragement and help he needed.

I've always been a big one for good deeds. But just why do I believe they are so important to the born again Christian? The Bible does say that we are saved by grace alone, through faith in Christ. Without His atoning work on the cross, we should all be doomed to eternity in hell.

The answer to WHY we are to do good deeds is in this verse: to KNOW of a need and then not meet that need is sin. In other words, when God nudges us (you really have to listen to Dr. Wilkinson on this subject!) to do good for someone and we ignore that nudge - LOOK OUT! It is a sin to ignore God.

Did you get that? It is a sin to ignore God! If you are a believer, God speaks to you all of the time. When you hear His voice, do you heed to it? Do you think maybe it's simply a weird thought that will disappear if you pretend it doesn't exist?

Sometimes needs are small, as was my son's, and others are quite large. It doesn't really matter the size. We have a huge God who is more than able to handle them all.

God works through His people time and time again to meet the needs of others even though He certainly does not have to. I think He wants us to show others that God is real and that He cares. It's how we show them that being a Christian is more than going to church and singing some songs. (and then live like the devil through the week for some)

Let's encourage one another to do good while we still can. When we do, we'll experience joy unspeakable.

1 comment:

Secondary Roads said...

That's the first Bible verse that I memorized in Spanish. So good that somebody stepped to give your son the encouragement he needed.

There is power in the spoken word and in the word unspoken. Blessings.