I completely forgot Aloha Friday! Better a little late in the day than never, right?
This week I spent some time thinking, praying, and counseling (receiving) about some issues involving my pet peeve - Satan and his attacks upon families. His number one goal is to take glory from God and deceive as many people as he can so that God "loses."
When he can cause friction within families, Satan thinks he's won. "Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child. Children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death." Mark 13:12 (emphasis is mine)
Satan hasn't won. He will never win. The Bible "tells me so" in the book of Revelation and throughout the entire Bible. Still, it's difficult to stand up for Jesus and then watch families tear into each other because they don't agree.
Thus, my pet peeve, Satan, remains.
My question for this week is,
What is your pet peeve?
Oh, I have sooooo many, but the one that comes to mind first is people who drive in the left lane beside someone and you can't get around them. Why is it that hardly anyone knows that the left lane is for passing? I don't like going 50 when the speed limit is 75!
I don't really have any!
I'm pretty laid back, so not a whole lot bothers me... which I suppose could be a pet peeve in and of itself to some! LOL
Right now my big pet peeve is my metabolism. I feel like I'm packing on the pounds no matter what I do. It's frustrating. I really need to get back on track and I'm planning to do something about it Monday. That's my goal and I'm stickin' to it!
My biggest pet peeve would be deception and dishonesty. They kind of go hand in hand so it is hard to pick one.
I think you have nailed it. Yes, satan is attacking families because it is easier to pick us off one by one than when we stick together. Makes me want to pray and love harder!
I hate when people lie. It's infuriating!
I think my main pet peeve...
Would be when My Husband shows the kids some entertainment I do not approve of.
Thanks for the visit.
Happy 4th
I was just thinking about this question the other day, why idk cause i am a little random like that or maybe i knew it would come in handy when i came across your aloha friday post. Anywho my two biggest would be gum popping and whining :)
Your topic fits with my topic for Aloha friday lol GRRR Pet Peeves..are nosey family members who try to tell you how to live your life when you are doing just fine lol
On a lighter note.. another pet peeve is crumbs on the floor lol
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