Thank you, Lord, for Your instructions. You know what is best for me and I need look no further than the Guide Book You wrote for my benefit and that of my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Thank you for the great time we're having in Vacation Bible School and for the many volunteers who give of themselves for the sake of the children. And thank you for the children who just keep coming - their smiles make all of the hard work worth it.
Thank you for keeping me encouraged during difficult times. I pray I can somehow encourage others with what I'm learning.
Hi Rita,
Oh Girl, VBS and all kins of things going on. I am sending you a BIG hug... Happy TT.
Yes God knows exactly what we are in need of and He desires the best for us. Thank you for sharing your grateful heart with us tonight and blessings to your VBS! -Laurie
Thanks for having a grateful heart.
Sending you happy thoughts and a (((HUG)))
Mariposa's TT
Hi Rita, What fun you must be having. My kids love vacation bible school too.
Be blessed my friend.
I am also so thankful that God knows what's best for me!
Hope you have a wonderful Thursday!
I pray God gives you and your VBS a special blessing!
VBS is such a good place to be. I remember back as a child learning new songs and bible verses. Many have stayed with me ever since.
Great list Rita. Your so right. His instruction book gives us all we need. Thanks for sharing your heart.
Many Blessings,
Too many times I acted out as if I knew what was best for me. But how right you are; only God knows what's best. I enjoyed reading your thankful Thursday post.
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