I'm getting low on soap so I decided I'd best get busy making some more. Here's a picture of my cold process bar soap mold. We had too much soap to put into the wooden mold but not enough to fill another, so I filled the little red basket next to it with the remaining soap. The bucket is plastic so it worked just fine. It's important to note that I lined each of the molds with freezer paper before pouring.

The bars came out a purple color because Ryan tossed some brown and red crayons into the hot fats. Not a bad color. We used peppermint essential oil to scent the soap. The odd looking pieces in the top box are the 4 pieces cut from the little red basket. The soap will cure for a month before we can use them. The scent was medicinal and we were able to sleep better than we've had in a while. It cleared our plugged sinuses! (The soap cures in our bedroom)

Below is a gallon bucket of laundry soap I mixed up after doing the bar soap. It's easy - just super washing soda, Borax, and Zote soap. Our family is now clean.

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5 Minutes for Mom to see other Tackle it Tuesday posts.
That is so neat. I wish we knew how to make our own. And boy do we ever need the mint fragrance in our home. We are all suffering from allergies in our home. We just started jarring/canning our own jalepenos we grow in the garden. My husband makes some candied stuff he likes to mix with cream cheese- More power to him. So we are all for doing it ourselves, just haven't done the soap part yet, but with all our allergies it might be a great idea. Very inspiring!
Love that peppermint scent...it is good for all that ails you!
Enjoy the Zote soap...we can't get it anymore!
Holy moly! I didn't know you could do that kind of thing at home! Good for you!
What amazing ambition!
That is wonderful that you can make your own.
Hi Rita, Just a note to let you know I posted my award from you today. I also would like you to have an earth angel award from me to you. I am just getting to know you and forgive me for not listing your name,As this award goes to you and all my readers. You are special too. I just listed my top readers by name for now.
Awesome!!! I have always wanted to make my own laundy soap! As soon as I'm done with what we are using now I think I'll finally give it a try.
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