I can't believe I'm actually getting a Thankful Thursday post up early. Hooray!
Lori at Laurel Wreath's Reflections is again hosting Thankful Thursday and I want to give her a great big "thank you" for doing so. She does such a wonderful job. Security is her theme so that's what I'll go with too.
Psalm 27:35 (NIV) says, "I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging for bread."
Even though you might have difficult circumstances or deal with difficult people, you can rest in the promise that God will not forsake you. It's simply a matter of leaning on Him and giving Him all of your trust, knowing that He's going to take care of you AND your family.
That makes me feel secure; how about you?
This week I am thankful for life lessons some of my children are learning. It's hard to see them make mistakes, but when they learn from the mistakes and begin to let Christ take hold of them, joy takes over my soul.
I'm thankful for my new grandnephew. I sure wish I could see him in person, but until I can get there, pictures will have to do. I'm thankful for his mom; Love you Brittany!
I'm thankful for Ryan's (my 10 year old) encouragement at family meal time. Sometimes I have to scrimp and be creative and he always devours the food. Tonight, when the other kids were complaining and searching cupboards for something else, Ryan sat quietly eating his supper. I asked him why he wasn't crabbing too and he said, "I just like it." Then he forked more supper into his mouth. Ah, warms my heart. Girls, in another 15 years you can have him and he'll be such fun to cook for!
One of the greatest gifts that God gives us are our children...what a blessing they are!
Thanks for sharing this beautiful thankful post!
Happy TT!
Such precious blessings.
I am so glad you have a positive out look on life. And pray you are blessed 10 fold.
Oh.God bless your wonderful 10 year old son :)
happy Thankful thursday to you!
Your post brought a smile to me. My oldest is going through some life lessons and it is not easy, but I do praise God I can use these opportunities to teach him more about God. And your sweet Ryan made me smile, mainly because I have a boy just like that. I tell the Lord "you gave me this one to keep my sanity intact." ha! Have a wonderful day.
What a great list of things to be thankful for. Congrats on your grandnephew, I hope you get to see him soon!
Precious list of blessings and great thoughts shared here! Happy Thankful Thursday!
It is hard to watch others learning about life the hard way...but when they come out on the other side of those lessons...it is great to rejoice with them.
isn't it great to have family for which we can give thanks. great post. thanks and be blessed.
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