Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Winter Blog Cleaning

Today I decided that it was time to do some blog cleaning. Blogger only allows so much storage space on this blog, which is ample for my purposes. Yet, I hate to keep a messy site. I really do think that this is something that everyone should do now and then. For me, it's once a year.

I began blogging in 2004 - yikes! That's about 4 years. During those years I have talked about things that are no longer relevant, such as contests that have long been finished. Some of the links I put up are no longer functioning. And then there are the stupid little posts about nothing that really DO mean nothing now.

There's no easy way to clean up a blog. What I did was start at the beginning and looked at each post, deciding if it needed to be cut or left alone. With Blogspot, you can just go to "edit posts" to see a list of post titles and dates along with number of comments. If you click on the post title, you can then read pretty much the whole post. If you no longer want to keep a post, click "select". When you've gone through everything, click "delete." You'll be given the chance to continue through the deletion or to go back and rethink.

I think I ended up deleting about 50 old posts that no longer served their purpose. This freed up space and gave my blog a cleaner look and feel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I need to go through my house and delete a bunch of stuff that no longer serves a purpose!