I've been thinking more and more about the Heaven stuff (see my earlier post on 90 Minutes in Heaven by Rev. Don Piper) since Supernatural gave me her review. One thing that's been bothering me a little is that Rev. Piper said there were songs being sung all around him in Heaven - old hymns and Scripture songs, modern songs, and praise choruses. He said they were songs he recognized and they were all being sung at the same time, yet easily discerned and weren't all "jumbled" together to create chaos. That part I can believe. But what doesn't make sense to my mind (and I'm not God so I can't really judge I guess) is that none of the songs spoke of the cross. Rev. Piper said that it made perfect sense to him because in Heaven everything and everyone is happy and there are no more tears.
Here's my problem: The whole reason I'll be up there singing with the other saints is because I've been redeemed - with the blood shed on the cross. To me, that is GLORIOUS and something to shout and sing about. Jesus has His scars to bear forever - read Revelation. So why wouldn't He allow songs about how He got those scars?
In other thoughts, why is it so warm here in October? It was nearly 90 degrees today, though I'm not complaining. It could stay like this year round if I had my way. Last year it snowed on October 1. Global warming? I don't think so. It's just the way things go sometimes. Next year will be different yet. Anyway, the leaves are in full color and with the warmer weather it was nice taking our usual hike in the state forest. We got really hot and thirsty though, and the younger kids just bickered and got on my nerves terribly.
We studied the woman at the well in our Sunday school class today on the bad girls of the Bible. I don't particularly consider this woman bad even though she was cohabitating with a man rather than being married to him. That I don't condone, but how can we say she was a prostitute or otherwise when the Bible doesn't specify what happened to her 5 previous husbands. Did they divorce her (common in that culture - all the man had to do was say, "I divorce you" when he thought he had reasons to do so)? Did they die?
Since we don't know those things I think maybe we're sometimes too harsh on the woman at the well. She did know that she had a need for forgiveness and she was a bold witness after her conversion. I can't imagine meeting Jesus face to face as I went about my normal routine...what would I say that He wouldn't already know?
Jeff wants to go to Alaska on a fishing/hunting trip someday. Yuck.
Jeff wants to go on an Alaskan cruise someday. Double yuck - I'm afraid of the water (I'm a sissy.)
Jeff wants to go to Northern Canada for a fly-in fishing trip. You already know my response.
Here's my idea of a dream vacation or two:
- Go to a large art museum (only been to the Toledo Museum of Art)
- Go to an opera
- See the ballet (in person rather than on video)
- Go to California (my grandma's sister lived in San Diego for years yet I've never been there.)
- Do anything except hunt, fish, or go on a boat.
Oooo I want to go to Alaska... though not fishing. I really enjoyed looking at Bill's photo's from his trip... although I didn't really like the pictures of the dead moose... ;)
God bless,
Hey, I'd LOVE to go to the ballet with you. They have some really nice ones come to the Wharton Center for the Performing Arts at MSU. I hear there's also a nice ballet company at Grand Rapids. Probably less expensive. Let's save our pennies...er, quarters......!
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