Today in Sunday school we talked about Samson & Delilah. The question was posed as to what Delilah's main sin was. Was it greed, idolotry, or lust? There really wasn't any real wrong or right answer, but most of the gals thought it was greed.
I say it was idolotry because Delilah worshipped money (hence the ease at which she found herself betraying Samson for silver) and lust (she was with men her weren't her husband.) Because she put these things ahead of God, who said in the 1st commandment, "I am the Lord thy God; thou shalt have no other gods before Me," this would be the root sin and the cause of her problems. I didn't voice this opinion because everyone else quickly responded, "Greed!" But it's my opinion anyway.
I made Evan some new shampoo yesterday and it was so easy and the results so good that I wanted to share a recipe:
Take one bar of Kirk's Castille soap and shred/grate it into a stock pan. Add 16 cups of hot water. Heat on medium/high heat, stirring, until the soap flakes are melted. Remove from heat and add 1 or 2 tablespoons glycerin, 2 tsp. vitamin E oil, and any scent you would like. Stir well and let cool. Pour into bottles.
I made this up so if you don't like it, oh well. The good thing about it is that you don't have sodium lauryl sulfate (a very strong chemical) on your head. The down side is that it is soap and you might find (if your hair is long) that you get a soapy buildup once in a while on your hair. When this happens, rinse with vinegar water after a shampoo about once every couple of weeks.
1 comment:
I was told about Evan's squirrel. You got a really good picture of him! You can actually see his face! ;)
You made a very good point about Delilah worshiping money and of course her lust. Why didn't you say anything in the class? Haha I probably wouldn't have said anything either :)
God bless,
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