Okay, so I goofed! I posted on Proverbs 31:11, but that was really verse 12. I'll go backwards one verse now and comment on Proverbs 31:11, which says, "Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value."
I wonder what my husband could lack that would be of value. HA! He lacks a lot of worldly value. But I do hope that he has lots of valuable assets in his wife and children.
When I was younger, I looked at things that didn't last a little differently than I do now. I was never really interested in acquiring a lot of material possessions, but I do know that things of no lasting significance seemed to be more important than they are now.
Our brakes are bad on our van once again. We need a whole new vehicle, but since we've not been blessed with one, we have to make do with what we have. Twenty years ago this would have really bugged me. But I have learned with time that cars are only there to give us transportation. And they lose value FAST. Obsessing about this thing won't do anybody any good.
In order for my husband to "lack nothing of value" I need to be the sort of wife who brings him happiness, not grief. Yesterday I told my husband he should get the part he needs ordered for his next day off. He hesitated, but I told him that I was afraid he'd get hurt someday coming home from work. That little bit of showing that he mattered to me was all it took to lift his spirits. He ordered the part, which ended up being less costly than we anticipated. And when we bring in the used part, they'll reimburse us $40. Can't beat that, huh? Well, it'd be nice but that's beside the point.
I can be a helpmeet to my husband and make him confident in me, or I can be a nag and someone he doesn't want to be around. I guess the choice is mine, and personally, I'm striving to be what God wants me to be.
I'm rambling because I'm sleepy. I've been working on Heaven is High tonight and stayed up well past my bedtime. The character attributes I've given the protagonist is really motivating me more to finish the story and market it. This protagonist has a really BAD personality problem and it's sort of fun to try to get into her brain. I don't think like her, so it's sort of being like a detective of some sort.
Next verse is Verse 13. I'll try to read more carefully at that time!
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