This is my dad. We took him mushroom hunting yesterday and I think I scared him when I took this photo. We're blessed to still have him around and age 74. A year and a half ago he asked God to give him a sign if He wanted him to quit smoking. God threw a major heart attack at him to grab hold of his attention. It worked. Dad had two stents put in his arteries and then he immediately quit smoking cold turkey. Combined with a heart healthy diet and exercise he's probably healthier than he has been in years.

This photo is for all of you anonymouses who think Johnny (16) is cute. Do you like these worms he's holding? I think they're tent worms.
Those aren't worms.....they're caterpillars! Not very cute ones, but caterpillars non-the-less. But I think he's probably a fisherman, anyhow, eh? Just can't win with these men's men.
(no girly men in your family, eh?)
Yeah, I've been "blessed" with very rough and tumble boys, though they can each be a sweetheart when they want to be.
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