Saturday, January 17, 2015

Book Review: 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know by Kari Kampakis

10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know is written by Kari Kampakis and is published by Thomas Nelson.

My whole purpose of choosing this book to review is a selfish one. I wanted to get my hands on a good book that I could use in teaching my 13-year-old daughter to resist the lies that the devil will shoot at her. What better way to do that than to focus on the truths that God wants her to know rather than the lies that Satan would want her to believe? 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know absolutely fits the bill.

This is a book that makes not only good reading, but good journaling. Here's why: It is broken down into 10 chapters that focus on one truth each. These truths actually encompass the lies because they argue against what culture and other influences often teach, but they do so by stressing God's plan for each girl's life. At the end of every chapter are discussion questions with ample room to write out answers - the part that I feel contribute to journaling. If there is not enough room in the book, using a notebook or journal can be a great tool. I think it's important for the girls to get their thoughts down in writing because, someday, these subjects will again come up.

Take, for instance, the chapter titled Self Talk. This chapter is all about those nagging little voices in our heads that lead us away from what God desires and toward a self-image that focuses all on ME, MYSELF, and I. Self-worship is destructive and, face it, just plain sinful. This chapter reminds girls that God's best is really His best for us. When we focus on Him rather than ourselves, we find fulfillment that is beyond imagining. Question 5 (discussion questions for this chapter) asks, "Do you consider surrender to God a victory or defeat? Are you ready for Him to use you in mighty ways?" That's a question that requires some deep thinking - honest thinking. A question that can lead a daughter and her mom (or dad) to some great, spiritual discussions.

I am excited to have a chance to work through this book with my daughter. As she grows older, she will need to explore some of the topics on a deeper level. For now, this a great start.

*I received a copy of 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know in exchange for my honest opinion. Opinion expressed is my own.*

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