"And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." Luke 2:13-14 (KJV)
Memories of Christmas past......
As a child I don't remember having tons of expensive gifts under the tree. My mother stayed home with her six children and made most of our clothes, fed us from her large garden and meat grown on our farm, and more. My dad was a farmer and worked hard from sun up to sun down.
What I remember is the sacrifices made to ensure that Christmas didn't pass us by. An especially meaningful year was the one in which my mom and dad bought all of our gifts from garage sales and stored them somewhere (probably the attic where we were all afraid to venture for fear of bats and mice) until Christmas. I received a phonograph - something I'd wanted for a long time. I was SO happy to get that thing and I played records on it for years. My friends laughed at my gift because it was old and used. I didn't care.
Christmas isn't about getting - it's about giving and sacrifice. Jesus Christ came to earth to be a living sacrifice for you and for me. He asked for nothing in return except that we take the gift He offered, FORGIVENESS. It's the greatest gift ever given or will be given.
This Christmas I'm thankful for that gift Jesus gave to me. I'll never let it go and He'll never take it back.
have a happy Christmas, may the blessings of the Lord be upon you always.
thanks for stopping by my site and commenting.
have a wonderful new Year too.
Beautiful thoughts, Rita! I'm so with you... it's about giving not getting.
Merry Christmas.
What a wonderful memory.
Merry Christmas.
Rita, I so agree with you. Christmas is about giving and the greatest gift is Jesus. Many blessings to you and your family this year.
What a wonderful way to learn the importance of love and the meaning of Christmas as opposed to things. Thank you for sharing your memories with us and may you and yours have a blessed Christmas!!
Beautiful post and wonderful memories. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Oh Rita, your parents are wonderful people. The example they set before you is precious and holds eternal value. I love reading every word. God bless you and your mom and dad.
Love and hugs....Lynn
Wonderful post.
I'm one of your entrecard-droppers and I want to wish you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!
Thanks for entrecarddropping!
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A lovely heart and memory. Thanks for sharing
You did a great job of summarizing the truly important things of this season! And, thank you for your sweet comment on my TT post. Hope you had a Merry Christmas!
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