Thursday, November 21, 2013

Book Review - Ghost Boy by Martin Pistorius

Ghost Boy: The Miraculous Escape of a Misdiagnosed Boy Trapped Inside His Own Body is written by Martin Pistorius and is published by Thomas Nelson. It was first published in 2012 by Simon & Schuster LTD.

When I saw the title of Ghost Boy, I was immediately intrigued - and immediately taken back to March 31, 2005, when Terri Schiavo died. I was in my kitchen, preparing supper and listening to the radio, when it was announced. The question has always remained in my mind: Did they simply allow a vegetative body to expire or did the courts order murder of an innocent, living woman? As a Christian, I really tend to think the latter to be true.

You see, I have always believed that human life is sacred and that many who are considered "vegetables", by the medical world and otherwise, are anything but brain dead. Martin Pistorius, in his autobiography, has proven that to be true. His story is one about living as a nobody that everyone thought should simply die, or at least be ignored. Yet he proved them all wrong after an "angel" working at his care home saw something in his eyes that nobody else did. From there, Martin went onto tell a story that I think many other "ghost" people could do, if given half a chance.

Maybe Terri Schiavo could have.

**I received a copy of Ghost Boy in exchange for my honest opinion.**

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