Monday, March 12, 2012

Menu Plan Monday - March 12

Is it spring where you are? We are having wonderful weather right now, but I'm not holding my breath. This is northern Michigan where it can be sunny and 60 degrees one day and 30 with snow the next. For the last couple of days, however, it's been fairly warm - the snow is finally melting. I am dreaming of the garden I will plant in a couple of months. Some new stuff is going to make the cut. I've never grown kohlrabi, for instance, but I do remember my mother and father growing it when I was a child. Dad loved it and I think I will too. Some different lettuces are in the plan as well as the usual beans and peas. Of course, with the way we've devoured the dill pickles from last year, dill and cucumbers will have a home in my garden too.

For this week's menu plan, we will still be eating out of the freezer. You'll notice Monday I intend to make what I call left-over stew. It is really whatever meat we had left over during the past several weeks that I froze in small batches. Some of it is beef and some is pork. I will cut in ample chunks, add some beef broth (thickened slightly with cornstarch), potatoes (cut into small pieces), carrots (canned), and a bit of barley. Then I'll put in a tad bit of garlic (pressed), salt, pepper, and a bay leaf. This will cook on low for three or four hours. I will not be eating this stew as it contains gluten (barley). I have some left-over spaghetti squash in the fridge that will suit me fine.

Here's the plan:


Left-over Stew
Garden Salad


BBQ Chicken Wings
Cheesecake (out of a box - ugh)


Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans


Cherry Crisp


Pizza & Pop


Jeff taking kids to the woods. They're having hot dogs over a fire and potato chips. I'll feast on a large salad.


On Your Own

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