Monday, December 08, 2008


I have all sorts of idea going on in my head concerning book ideas. Today we had Christmas play practice for Ryan and Amanda and during it, I sort of let my mind wander. After a couple of hours the practice was getting boring - even more for the kids I think!

I didn't get much done at home or on this blog or anything else today so I might as well work out great ideas, huh? Between baking 3 dozen cookies for Josh to take to a class party, getting through the kids' lessons, and washing dishes while supper cooked, I thought some more.

Because of life experiences, my response to them, and where I'm at today, I have a terrific (to me anyway) idea for a nonfiction story. I even have the title fixed firmly in my head. I'd tell you what it is but for now it's private. Don't worry - it's not a family portrait or anything like that.

If you've been reading this blog for the long haul you might be able to guess it.

1 comment:

na said...

I think it will be a best-seller!