Thursday, October 09, 2008

Working Together for Good

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 (KJV)

We’re living in difficult times, aren’t we? Romans 8:28 is a verse that most people get the gist of, even if they haven’t memorized it word for word. It’s a verse I’ve kept in the back, and in the front, of my mind ever since I first came to know the Lord 26 years ago.

ALL things work together for good, including all of the crummy things that threaten to blast us to pieces as well as all of the wonderful blessings in life. They’ve worked together in my life to create a stronger believer and a stronger person.

One thing you don’t want to miss when reading Romans 8:28 is that things don’t always work together for good for the unbeliever. I remember the days when I didn’t love God, when I was not called “according to His purpose.” I had no desire to please Him and I deserved all of the problems that I got myself into. When I drew near to Him and sought His forgiveness, I began to experience the peace that comes from knowing that nothing can happen that God doesn’t allow. And if He allows it, He’ll keep me safe in His arms and bring all of it together to make a better me and a better worshiper of Him.

Do you have a Bible verse that’s special to you, one that you live by? I hope you have a whole Book full, but if you don't, you could always attend a conference, Find out more and then tell others about it. As technology advances, I think there are a whole lot of ways to reach the lost with the Gospel message. Theatre Church is one of those new ways that uses some of the latest technology to bring people "together" for the Lord's work.

I found out today that CineMeetings & Events is hosting the Theatre Church Conference in Silver Spring, MD on October 22 & 23. For me, this is something new and different, so I decided to Find out more.

Maybe this something that would appeal to you in your walk with the Lord. I’ll admit that I don’t know much about Theatre Church so I checked out some of the churches working with the conference; one isn’t too far from my hometown. If you’d like to Find out more, check it out for yourself.


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