Sunday, September 30, 2007

Wonderful Michigan

I don't know if I'm proud of this quiz result or not since I'd like to leave Michigan if I could. But here it is:

You are 95% Michiganian

YES! You know the Great Lakes State, and have seen a beautiful peninsula - probably even two! You have seen The Island, and crossed The Bridge. Troll or Yooper, you're a true Michigan soul.

How much of a Michi-gander are you?
Create a Quiz

The leaves are turning color now and it's sort of pretty, but it's hard to see beauty when you're thinking about all of the yuck of winter up here.

Johnny and Evan are at youth group tonight. They're doing something called a road rally and they had to bring flashlights.

Here's a quick stupid poem just for my absent son:

Ode to Josh's Car
I miss you, I miss you
O wonderful mode of transportation.
I missed church and sulked
All because your owner was on vacation!
Okay Josh. Do you feel guilty?

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