Monday, September 03, 2007

The A-choo Stuff and Other Stuff

It's no wonder that when we get back in our van we all sneeze! It appears that during our weekend hikes Amanda has been picking goldenrod and sneeking it home.

The batteries in my digital camera went dead when my sister was here visiting and I haven't gotten new ones yet. So...I'm relying on some older pictures right now. This one was taken about a month ago along the Pigeon River, where the boys went swimming (did I tell you about the leeches?)

My dad is sending me the book, "90 Minutes in Heaven." He just finished reading it tonight and is excited to think what Heaven might really be like. I'm always skeptical when I hear that so and so went to Heaven and was brought back or so and so went to Hell and was brought back. But maybe this guy really did go to Heaven for a little while. He says in the book that he saw relatives who had died 30 years ago there. The relatives indicated that they'd only just arrived. It does give a glimpse into what eternity might really be day is as a thousand years.

I have news for those who feel they have it all figured out:

When we get to Heaven, you'll be surprised to find people from all 7 of the churches in Revelation there. If you want to hear a really good set of messages on the Book of Revelation, I recommend the study by John Courson (see hot links). He says that the churches all represent a different period in church history. The Reformation would be the church at Sardis. From the Catholic church's (the church at Thyatira) reign to the present day, a remnant has remained. Like I said, interesting.


Anonymous said...

After Great-Grandpa's funeral, we realized the florist had used that in a bunch of the arrangements that had been brought back to the house. Realized it AFTER we had taken J.T. in to the hospital in Petoskey in the middle of the night with breathing problems. I think he might have been 2? Scary for young, new parents....
Who puts goldenrod in funeral arrangements?!?!?! ACHOOOOOOO.....

toby said...

Earth is our final destination.

God is restoring everything.

His plan has always been for us to be here, with him.

We will be.

Read the end of the book...