Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Avoid Chemicals when Growing Tomatoes

Tomatoes, like the ones on the left in the picture below, are vulnerable to tomato horn worms and grubs.

We love tomatoes and I can and freeze as many of them as I am able. We live in a cooler climate so my growing season is very short. Since weather is unpredictable and I have no control over it, I must focus my attention on what I AM able to control.

In the past I've tried everything I could to keep grubs and horn worms out of my garden and off my tomatoes without using chemicals. Not much has worked - other than have Jonathon pick the worms off the plants. That's okay, but he can't always see them so I know a lot are missed, especially when I find tomatoes with little bites taken out of them.

Safer brand's organic tomato growing kit would be a real boost to my garden and is something I'm strongly considering buying. It contains stakes and connectors which "grow" with the plant to fully support it (Stake it Easy). This keeps the plant off the ground, thus keeping grubs from the fruit. Also included in the kit is tomato and vegetable insect killer - OMRI listed organic.

I can't afford to use harsh chemicals on my family's food, but I can't afford to let insects eat it either. This year I want to be ready for "battle." Are you ready to get your garden going strong the organic way too?



Growth in God said...

we have learned that covering the beds (mounds)in plastic then covering that with hay, helps some with the worms.
SO I am not sure if that will work where you are- but it is a thought.

Auntie E said...

Last year I tried growing some tomatoes upside down. Did not produce any good ones. I love Home grown tomatoes. Need to start that organic garden this year.